SHine SA, January 2017
This dynamic course aims to update workers to include relationships and sexual health education and support in their work.
On completion of the FRESH Course you will have:
> an increased level of confidence working with clients in the area of sexual health
> a better understanding of how values and beliefs may influence your practice in this area of work
> a new vocabulary about sexual health and relationships to use when talking with your clients
> skills to address clients’ sexual health needs
> developed an understanding of current resources available and how to use them effectively with clients
Topics include:
- Introduction to Sexual Health
- Attitudes to Sex & Sexuality
- Contraception
- Pregnancy Options
- Sex and the Law
- Safer Sex & STIs
- Gender & Diversity
- Family Violence
- Sex and Technology
- Resources
WHEN: 14–15 February 2017
WHERE: SHine SA, 64c Woodville Road, Woodville
TIME: 9.00am – 5.00pm
COST: Free (for people who work solely or primarily with Aboriginal young people; if unsure of eligibility please contact the Course Coordinators via the channels below)
- Enquiries: Phone: 8300 5326 Email:
- Download flyer (PDF) at this link: FRESH Aboriginal Feb 2017