Diversity Council of Australia (DCA), 07 Mar 2023 This ground-breaking new report re-examines the state of play for culturally and racially marginalised (CARM) women in leadership, focusing on how the intersections of two key marginalising characteristics – race and gender – are still operating in workplaces to lock CARM women out of leadership. The research, conducted by a team of...
ASPOG 2023: Exploring the Tapestry of Psychosocial Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Australian Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics & Gynaecology (ASPOG), 2023 ASPOG 2023: Exploring the Tapestry of Psychosocial Obstetrics & Gynaecology is the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics & Gynaecology (ASPOG), to be held from 24-26 February 2023 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Adelaide. It is a chance to hear from many different...
Cultural Safety workshops with Khadija Gbla (free event)
Morella Community Centre in collaboration with Khadija Gbla, October 2019 WHAT IS CULTURAL SAFETY? Cultural safety is identified as “an environment that is safe for people: where there is no assault, challenge or denial of their identity, of who they are and what they need. It is about shared respect, shared meaning, shared knowledge and experience, of learning, living and working together with...
HIV & Sexual Health Update for Nurses and Aboriginal Health Workers in South Australia
Adelaide Sexual Health Centre , October 2019 Adelaide Sexual Health Centre presents Stepping Out: Living Healthy & Long, an HIV & Sexual Health Update for Nurses and Aboriginal Health Workers in South Australia. With the generous support of an unconditional education grant from ViiV Healthcare, ASHC is able to provide a seminar at no cost to the participant, hosted in central Adelaide...
FRESH: Aboriginal Focus course on 27-28 June
SHINE SA, 29/05/2019 The FRESH Course: Aboriginal Focus is a 2-day course for workers who wish to improve their sexual and reproductive health knowledge and address sexual and reproductive health and relationship issues within Aboriginal communities. On completion of the FRESH course, you will: have an increased level of confidence working with Aboriginal communities in the area of sexual health...
HIV PrEP update & HIV prescriber update in Adelaide
ASHM, October 2018 HIV PrEP Update for GPs and Practice Nurses This training will provide GPs, Nurses, and Health Professionals working in primary care an update on strategies available for the prevention of HIV transmission, focusing on prevention particularly pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). – Date Tuesday, 23 October 2018 – Venue Mercure Grosvenor, 125 North Terrace, Adelaide SA...