Yarning Up Forum: Sex, Drugs and Mental Health – It’s Everyone’s Business!


SHine SA

The Yarning Up forum aims to bring together workers and community members to
share and promote the quality of work and research being done in the areas of Sexual Health, Mental Health/Social and Emotional Wellbeing, and Drugs and Alcohol.

The forum will allow networking with statewide service providers, facilitate the development of collaborative opportunities between agencies, and reflect the importance of a holistic approach to Aboriginal health.

Who should attend
• People who work with Aboriginal young people
• People who work with Aboriginal people in the areas of Sexual Health, Mental Health/Social and Emotional Wellbeing, and Drugs and Alcohol
• People who work in Aboriginal health
• Aboriginal community members who are interested in learning about these areas,
or who feel this may be relevant to them

Limited sponsorships will be available to assist with travel, accommodation and registration costs. See website for further details.

Registration for the Yarning Up forum closes 30 May
There is no registration fee if you are a student.

The Sage Hotel
208 South Terrace, Adelaide

Further Information & Registration

Download flyer (PDF) here Yarning Up Forum Flyer (4)

By J Pope

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