Do you work with culturally and linguistically diverse people?
Do they bring up sex, sexuality and sexual health issues?
If so, then the FRESH Course (FReedom to Explore Sexual Health) for CALD workers is tailored to you.
This dynamic 2-day course aims to update workers to include relationships and sexual health education and support in their work.
WHEN 1–2 October 2015
WHERE SHine SA, 64c Woodville Road, Woodville
TIME 9am – 5pm
COST $160 Student Concession: $80
On completion of the FRESH Course you will have:
> an increased level of confidence working with clients in the area of sexual health
> a better understanding of how values and beliefs may influence your practice in this area of work
> a new vocabulary about sexual health and relationships to use when talking with your clients
> a referral guide and knowledge of how to support clients to access relevant services
> developed an understanding of current resources available and how to use them effectively with clients
Sexuality & Sexual Health/Culture
Sex & the Law
Cultural Sexual Violence
Sexual Diversity
Anatomy & Physiology
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Contradictions of Pleasure & Culture
Client Stories
- Download flyer (PDF) FRESH CALD Oct 2015
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