Sarian Karim Kamara at Fuuse Forum, Published on 24 Jan 2016
For many years, the problem of FGM has been treated as almost too delicate to address: while laws may be changed, prosecutions rarely follow. More importantly, the necessary safeguarding and prevention measures in schools and in systems of healthcare are underdeveloped. This complacency has been partly justified by a wish to avoid upsetting the sensitivities of minority communities. However, a new generation of activists are leading the battle from inside their own communities, bringing a new urgency and passion to combatting this form of violence against women.
The activists taking part in this Fuuse Forum represent this courageous new wave of anti-FGM activism, developed by women within the affected communities, standing up for their rights over their own bodies against the weight of tradition and identity.
Sarian Karim Kamara is a Community Development worker, Community facilitator, an activist and anti FGM campaigner. She is also a survivor of FGM.
Here she speaks about her FGM story, at the FUUSE forum on “My Body, My Rights – Female Genital Mutilation”.
(Watch embedded video below in this post)