More than babies and bodies, young people want 21st Century sex education


Commissioner for Children and Young People,  Jun 6, 2021

Commissioner Helen Connolly has today released Sex Education in South Australia – a report on the relevance of the sex education being taught to children and young people across the State. 

The report examines whether the relationships and sexual health education currently being delivered to students in South Australia’s public and independent schools is fit for purpose from the viewpoint of young people themselves.  The report draws on 1200 responses from young people aged 12 to 22 years, to a survey  asking their opinions on the quality, appropriateness, accessibility, and timeliness of the relationships and sex education they receive at school.

It is clear from their responses that South Australian young people want much more than puberty, anatomy, and a how to prevent pregnancy and disease approach to sex education in the 21st century. They’re seeking content that is more comprehensive and responsive to the current realities, pressures, and complexities of their day to day lives, which vary significantly from those of earlier generations.

By J Pope

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