The Commissioner for Children and Young People SA (Helen Connolly), with Taboo, Period Revolution (an initiative of GOGO Events), and Chalice Foundation, June 2021
Although nearly half of the world’s population menstruate at some point in their lives, menstruation presents significant challenges when individuals lack the information, resources, infrastructure and social support they need to manage their menstrual health and wellbeing safely and with dignity.
In 2014, the United Nations Human Rights Council acknowledged the impacts of menstrual stigma and lack of menstrual health management on gender equality. This indicates a growing recognition that menstruation is not ‘only’ a ‘women’s issue’, but rather a societal issue affecting women’s fundamental human rights. It affects participation and opportunities, including rights to health, safety and dignity, gender equality, education and employment.
The Commissioner for Children and Young People SA Helen Connolly has teamed up with Taboo, Period Revolution (an initiative of GOGO Events) and Chalice Foundation for an engaged day of exploration and discussion.
Commissioner Connolly’s ‘Menstruation Matters’ examines young people’s attitudes toward menstruation and reveals that inadequate access to period products is just one of the issues young women face, amongst what is a much broader societal problem.
Menstrual stigma (from first period to menopause) is not an issue receiving much attention from the government, yet we know that tackling it is key to achieving gender equity. It’s time to come together to acknowledge the key struggles and barriers surrounding menstruation, sharing our ideas for change, and carving a pathway forward together. A pathway that unites us in our efforts to raise awareness and understanding of the need for systemic change action on menstruation.
There will be some spotlight talks from people active across multiple sectors to introduce key topics on the day. This will be followed by a facilitated workshop and discussion. It’s the intention to give everyone a chance to share and connect, so come ready!
If you are an interested and engaged person working or volunteering in a relevant sector, the organisers ask that you share this invite with 2 people you know who you believe should be in the room when this important discussion takes place. They won’t be doing a big public callout for the Period Summit, but they would greatly value you and your fellow champions attending.
Date & time of event: Wed 30th Jun 2021, 9:15 am – 3:15 pm ACST
Location of event: U City, 43 Franklin St, Adelaide, South Australia
- If you would like to attend in person, Please register to hold your spot (as tickets are complimentary there are limited numbers available)
- If you’re unable to attend in person, but would like to be involved in what unfolds or to share your relevant work with the attendees, please select a digital wrap-up ticket at the link above. The organisers will get in touch with you about this soon.