“CALD Women in the 21st century Stand Up, Speak Out & Be heard!”
CALD Women’s Forum on 20th May 2016
This an event that the Women’s Legal Service is working on, in collaboration with the Migrant Women’s Lobby Group.
The forum focuses on providing CALD women with the knowledge and empowerment that is needed to combat issues they may face on the day to day basis. it also allows women the right to share their views or ask any questions that they may be dealing with in this day and age.
CALD Women are invited to participate and contribute to the forum around issues that impact on our lives. Topics include: training, employability, health and more.
Date: Friday, 20th May 2016
Time: 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Venue: Hellenic Macedonian Cultural Centre, 94 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA 5031
This is a FREE event
Registration for catering purposes:
Eventbrite http://cald-women.eventbrite.com.au
Email here or Phone: 08 8241 9900
Please feel free to share the flyer (link below) around your networks, and if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Didi Ngor at the Women’s Legal Service on 8231-8929 or via this email