


SHINE SA, March 2018 Take action towards your diversity and inclusivity goals this year!  The first 2018 round of SHINE SA’s HOW2 Create Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex (LGBTI) Inclusive Services program commences next month.  This program can provide your organisation with a practical way to work towards increasing inclusivity and celebrating diversity The program is based on...

Still places left in Foundations of LGBTI Inclusion half-day training


SHINE SA, 25/01/2018 Creating and sustaining a workplace that values and celebrates sexual and gender diversity has far reaching benefits for all of the stakeholders in your organisation. By providing a culture of safety and respect for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) employees, clients or other stakeholders, your organisation as a whole will benefit from a culture...

Healthcare workers living with HIV have different motivations for disclosing/concealing their status


nam/aidsmap, 10 November 2017 Nurses and other healthcare workers who are living with HIV have mixed reactions when they mention their HIV status to colleagues, according to a small Dutch study reported in the November/December issue of the Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.  Some healthcare workers disclosed because they expected a positive reaction or they felt the need to share...

Why Inclusion and Diversity Matter – SHINE SA’s new video & training options


SHINE SA, August 2017 Increasing your organisation’s inclusivity and recognition of diversity will benefit employees, clients, stakeholders and your organisational culture as a whole. Watch SHINE SA’s new video below to find out more about how LGBTIQ inclusion benefits your organisation and creates more productive, engaged and positive employees. SHINE SA offers several training options, so you...

HOW2 Create LGBTI Inclusive Services: 2017 dates announced


SHINE SA, April 2017 The 2017 round of SHINE SA’s HOW2 Create Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Inclusive Services program commences next month. By enrolling your organisation in this program, key staff in your organisation will gain the knowledge and skills to drive organisational change to become safer and more inclusive for LGBTI clients, staff and communities. Your...

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