Tagsupport services

Private Lives 3: Australia’s largest national survey of health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people released


Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University, Friday 13th November 2020 Australia’s largest national survey of health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people reveals that most feel accepted at work and by family, but more work needs to be done to improve health outcomes. The Private Lives 3 National Report was conducted by researchers at the Australian Research...

Care of a person who has been strangled (information in several languages)


Yarrow Place, October 2020 Youth and Women’s Safety and Wellbeing Division are very pleased to announce the completion of a range of strangulation pamphlets designed for both the consumer and the service provider. We know strangulation is a common form of assault in the context of domestic and family violence and sexual assault, so these pamphlets have been designed to guide non-medical service...

Digital chemsex support and care: The potential of just-in-time adaptive interventions


International Journal of Drug Policy, Volume 85, November 2020 T. Platteau, C. Herrijgers, J. de Wit Abstract Chemsex among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) has received increasing attention as a public health concern in recent years. Chemsex can affect a variety of aspects of the lives of GBMSM and contribute to physical, social and emotional health burden. Starting from...

How sexual assault survivors can feel in control during cervical screenings


ABC Life  / By Kellie Scott / 12th August 2020 Kate* avoids cervical screenings.The 34-year-old from Sydney is a survivor of sexual assault and finds the physical examination re-traumatising. Kate’s experience is not unique. One in five Australian women has experienced sexual violence since the age of 15. And research shows those who have experienced sexual abuse, either as adults or...

Understanding the role of law and culture in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities in responding to and preventing family violence


ANROWS, 2020 Family violence within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities attracts considerable attention in policy, research and practice. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have advocated for community-led approaches to family violence that are culturally safe, involve Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander justice models and recognise Aboriginal or Torres Strait...

Tickets to the LGBTI Family Violence Forum available now (free online events)


Thorne Harbour Health, 22nd July 2020 Effecting Change and Accountability: Family Violence Interventions for LGBTI Communities: Monday 10th to Friday 14th August 2020 Since the release of Victoria’s Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations in 2016, LGBTI family violence service providers and mainstream family violence services who are attaining rainbow tick accreditation have worked...

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