Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (ACT), August 2022 Consultation on the draft Variations in Sex Characteristics (Restricted Medical Treatment) Bill 2022 closed on Friday 8 July. A Listening Report has been prepared summarising the input provided by stakeholders during the consultation. This report is intended to provide transparency regarding the range of views and...
Draft model of care for TGD people in SA released: feedback sought
South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA), July 2022 On 21 July 2022 trans community advocates and SARAA met with Health Minister Chris Picton MP to present signatures from over 150 South Australians calling for timely and accessible gender affirming healthcare. SA Health released their draft State-wide Gender Diversity Model of Care later that day. It sets out plans for: continued...
Psychological Therapies Targeting Priority Populations Service Model (LGBTIQA+)
Meridian (ACT), released July 2021 Meridian was invited by the Capital Health Network (CHN) to co-design a service model for delivering mental health services to LGBTIQA+ communities in the ACT under the Psychological Therapies Targeting Priority Populations contract. Meridian facilitated a co-design process with LGBTIQA+ people to design a service model that would respond to their mental health...
Australian LGBTIQA+ Policy Guide
The Equality Project, August 2021 The Australian LGBTIQA+ Policy Guide is a high-level overview of the most prominent needs experienced broadly throughout Australian LGBTIQA+ communities. The Equality Project developed the guide to ensure that lesbian, gay, bi+, trans, gender diverse, non-binary, intersex, queer, asexual people and their families experience genuine inclusion and the realisation...
Guide on Co-Design with People Living with Disability
Purple Orange, July 2021 Co-design is a simple way of involving people in the community in decision making processes. There are many benefits to co-design and it can be used in a wide range of circumstances. The Purple Orange Co-Design Guide provides practical tips and advice on how co-design can be used effectively in the disability context. Click here to download the Purple Orange Co-Design...