
Contraception Essentials: Navigating a Consultation


ASHM, May 2024 Contraception Essentials: Navigating a Consultation is a video resource designed to support clinicians in their contraceptive consultations. The video guides clinicians to utilise ASHM’s Decision Making in Contraception: Consultation Essential resource to conduct patient-centred and evidence-based contraceptive consultations. Through the demonstration consultation, viewers will...

Report: Adelaide Gay Community Periodic Survey, 2022


UNSW, June 2022 The report on the 2022 Adelaide Gay Community Periodic Survey has been published. The Gay Community Periodic Surveys (GCPS) are repeated, cross-sectional surveys of gay men conducted in the metropolitan areas of seven Australian states and territories. They are a key part of Australia’s behavioural surveillance system for HIV, monitoring sexual practices, drug use and patterns of...

Aboriginal-specific STI & BBV resources for regional and rural SA


SHINE SA & Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia (AHCSA), April 18th, 2023 SHINE SA and the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia have produced a series of STI & BBV resources designed for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS). Many of these resources feature artwork by Arabana and Kokatha artist Mali Isabel. In addition to ACCHS, these resources are also...

Results of the 7th National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health (SSASH)


Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, December 2022 The Australian National Survey of Secondary Students and Sexual Health (SSASH) survey is a national study exploring the sexual health and well-being of school-age young people in Australia. The study explores young people’s experiences of sex, relationships, sexual health and school-based relationships and...

Sexual harassment, aggression & violence victimisation among mobile dating app & website users in Australia


Australian Institute of Criminology, 04-10-2022 Today the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) has released a report that reveals that three in every four survey respondents had been subjected to sexual violence facilitated via dating apps in the last five years. Sexual harassment was the most common form of behavior reported, as well as abusive and threatening language, and unsolicited...

Monkeypox update: Your Questions Answered video with Dr Dr Vincent Cornelisse / Updated Clinical Guidance from ATAGI / Responding to MPX: GBM in Australia (Survey)


MPX – Monkeypox – Your Questions Answered (video) Thorne Harbour Health, 26 Aug, 2022 Thorne Harbour Health’s Cal Hawk is joined by Dr Vincent Cornelisse to unpack the latest information we have about the current global outbreak of the monkeypox virus (MPXV) including what our communities can do now to reduce their risk. Vincent is a specialist in sexual health medicine and...

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