SHine SA, October 2016
In the words of Dr Marty Klein, Licensed Sex Therapist, Writer and Speaker: “In addition to death and taxes, there are two other things we can be sure of: The internet is here to stay. Pornography is here to stay.”
With that in mind, join us at our ReFRESH Forum as we discuss the need to equip our young people with the essential skills and strategies to critique, understand and de-code what they see (be it accidental or purposeful viewing).
The session includes discussion time and practical tips.
When: 11 November 2016 (Friday)
Where: SHine SA, 64c Woodville Road, Woodville
Time: 2.00 – 4.00 pm
Cost: $50 (Student Concession $25)
Afternoon tea provided.
Online enrolment:
Closing date for enrolment: Wednesday 9 November
Enquiries Phone 8300 5300 / Email
Download flyer (PDF) here:refresh-porn-literacy