CategoryGender & Sex

The lived experience of gender dysphoria in autistic young people


Cooper, K., Butler, C., Russell, A. et al. The lived experience of gender dysphoria in autistic young people: a phenomenological study with young people and their parents. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2022). Abstract: Gender dysphoria is distress in relation to incongruence between an individual’s gender and sex assigned at birth. Gender clinics offer support for gender dysphoria, and there is a...

Understanding Suicide Among Trans and Gender Diverse People – new factsheet


MindOut: Mental Health & Suicide Prevention / LGBTIQ+ Health Australia,  31st March, 2022 Many transgender and gender diverse people live happy and healthy lives; however, some also experience a higher burden of poor mental health and rates of suicidality than the general population. This factsheet has been created with information taken from LGBTIQ+ Health Australia’s National Mental...

Ensuring health and bodily integrity: towards a human rights approach for intersex people


Ensuring health and bodily integrity: towards a human rights approach for people born with variations in sex characteristics. Australian Human Rights Commission, 2021.  Authors: Michael Frommer, John Howell, Edward Santow, Dr Susan Cochrane, and Bruce Alston. The Australian Human Rights Commission’s report, Ensuring health and bodily integrity: towards a human rights approach for people born with...

Transfemme resource to promote healthier relationships between trans women and cisgender men


Zoe Belle Gender Collective  Transfemme is an Australian website designed to promote healthier relationships between trans women and cisgender men. This website has been created by the Zoe Belle Gender Collective in collaboration with a collective of Victorian-based trans women and cis men who have experience in dating or are in relationships with trans women. The content is based on the...

Protecting LGBTIQ+ voices online


The eSafety Commissioner (eSafety), August 2021 This research explores how people who identify as LGBTIQ+ are affected by adult cyber abuse and online lateral abuse (abuse between members within a community). The findings are based on group discussions with relevant community service providers and advocacy organisations, plus interviews with LGBTIQ+ adults. It can be difficult for people who...

Experiences of Autistic Gay or Pansexual Men (Cis or Trans) and/or Non-Binary People in South Australia


Vemel (Resh) Ramasamy, PhD candidate at Flinders University, August 2021 Greetings. I am Resh. I am a coloured autistic gay cis man and non-binary person. I also identify as asexual, aromantic, demisexual and sapiosexual. I am conducting a research project as part of my PhD study at Flinders University. The project is about the experiences of autistic gay or pansexual men (cis or trans) and/or...

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