SHINE SA & Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia (AHCSA), April 18th, 2023 SHINE SA and the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia have produced a series of STI & BBV resources designed for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS). Many of these resources feature artwork by Arabana and Kokatha artist Mali Isabel. In addition to ACCHS, these resources are also...
Deadly Liver Mob: Engaging Aboriginal people in viral hepatitis, HIV and sexual health services (Website & Webinar)
UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, August 2021 Deadly Liver Mob program is an incentivised, peer-led program that offers education and screening for hepatitis C, hepatitis B and STIs for Aboriginal people. The primary purpose of the Deadly Liver Mob program is to provide hepatitis C virus education and referral to blood borne virus and sexually transmissible infections screening and...
New website to improve evidence base on Indigenous mental health and suicide prevention
AIHW, 14 Jul 2021 The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has today released a new website, the Indigenous Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Clearinghouse. Established in response to the Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan, the Clearinghouse is a repository of up-to-date information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ wellbeing, mental...
Using social networking sites to recruit participants: sexual health, knowledge, and behaviour of young South Australians
Using social networking sites to recruit participants: methods of an online survey of sexual health, knowledge and behaviour of young South Australians. Stephen Harfield, Salenna Elliott, Liam Ramsey, Tambri Housen, James Ward (2021). Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. Abstract Objective: To describe the methods of recruitment and demographic results of an online sexual health...
Community-Led Research: Walking New Pathways Together (Aboriginal focus)
Sydney University, Edited by Victoria Rawlings, James Flexner and Lynette Riley, 2021 The concept of Community-Led Research has taken off in recent years in a variety of fields, from archaeology and anthropology to social work and everything in between. Drawing on case studies from Australia and the Pacific, this open access e-book considers what it means to participate in Community-Led...
Respect Me + You, Is Your Syphilis Check Up Due? (New Campaign)
May 2021 The Respect Me + You, Is Your Syphilis Check Up Due? Campaign has now launched! This campaign was originally conceived by Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia (AHCSA), and was adapted as a collaboration with SHINE SA in 2020. The campaign is a response to the rise in syphilis infections in South Australia which has been particularly devastating for Aboriginal communities. It is a...