Tagviolence against women

Disability Support Toolkit for frontline workers – violence and abuse


1800RESPECT, March 2020 The Disability Support Toolkit has resources for front line workers supporting people with disability who have been impacted by violence and abuse. People with disability are 1.8 times more likely to experience violence and abuse, including more varied forms of abuse. (Source: AIHW Report 2019.) They are also less likely, and take longer to reach out for support. This...

COVID-19: A Gender Lens – sexual & reproductive health and gender inequality


UN Population Fund (UNFPA), March 2020 Disease outbreaks affect women and men differently, and pandemics make existing inequalities for women and girls and discrimination of other marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities and those in extreme poverty, worse. This needs to be considered, given the different impacts surrounding detection and access to treatment for women and men. Women...

Women on temporary visas experiencing family violence face additional complex barriers to seeking help


inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence, March 11th, 2020 CEO of inTouch, Ms Michal Morris, today released a position paper on women on temporary visas who are experiencing family violence. The paper urges the government to implement eight recommendations in order to improve supports and services for these vulnerable women. ‘I believe that all women who experience family violence in...

Calls for segregated mental health wards to reduce sexual assault risk


ABC (Katherine Gregory on AM), February 2020 Sexual violence against women in mental health wards is going unchecked, despite service providers’ awareness of the problem. A new report has found women in Victorian mental health wards are vulnerable to sexual assault, harassment and violence from male patients and staff. It’s calling for stricter separation of male and female patients...

FGM researcher says midwives are the frontline of Australia’s fight against the practice


ABC Radio Sydney, 6/2/2020 For Western Sydney University researcher Olayide Ogunsiji, female genital mutilation was so prevalent where she grew up in Nigeria, her own cutting was never questioned. When her daughter was born, there was every chance her child would have also undergone the traumatic practice if not for the education Dr Ogunsiji received in antenatal care.  Key points: Female genital...

Tough man stereotype can hurt women and men: report


Our Watch, November 2019 Men who conform only to rigid stereotypes of how to be a man are more likely to have sexist attitudes and behaviours, which in turn makes them more likely to perpetuate violence against women, according to a new report by Our Watch and the Victorian Office for Women. The landmark study, Men in focus, is an extensive review of Australian and international research evidence...

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