
HIV notifications among people from CALD backgrounds in Australia


Improving our understanding of HIV notifications among people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds in Australia By Ela Naruka, Research Officer, Kirby Institute, October 23, 2024 Over the past decade (2014-2023), there has been a 21.5% increase in HIV notifications among people from CALD backgrounds. In 2014, there were 306 notifications (28% of total notifications), which rose...

LGBTIQA+ Multilingual Terminology


RainbowTerminology.org, Published October 2024 This project and website are dedicated to finding the words individuals use to describe themselves when they identify as being Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, Asexual and/or Gender Diverse. What is novel about the project is that there are very few bilingual resources available to help articulate sexual orientation...

Sexual health & BBV resources for professionals who work with multicultural communities


Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health, as at August 2022 The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Part of this involves working with professionals from health, community, and local government services to improve their responsiveness to people from these communities.  One of the ways they do this is by...

Multilingual resources on sexual & reproductive health


Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health (CEH), July 2022 New and updated resources in translation, compiled by CEH. They cover sexual & reproductive health and related topics.  Various languages. Links below. Contraception – your choices This translated fact sheet explains the available options for using a worry-free contraception that suits an individual as their best protection...

Translated monkeypox information sheets in several languages


NSW Health, via NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, Jun 1st, 2022 NSW Health has created a fact sheet on Monkeypox Virus (MPV), aimed at the general public, and which has been translated into several languages, as follows: English Arabic / العربية , Simplified Chinese / 简体中文 Traditional Chinese / 繁體中文pati Portuguese / Português  Spanish / Español Thai / ภาษาไทย Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt...

CONNECTing at risk communities [in Adelaide] with HIV self testing


SAMESH, Wednesday 23 March 2022  Media Release: CONNECTing at risk communities with rapid HIV testing – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SAMESH, a partnership between SHINE SA and Thorne Harbour Health, has launched CONNECT – a pilot program evaluating the use of vending machines to dispense free Atomo HIV Self-Test (HST) kits to support rapid HIV testing and to strengthen pathways to treatment and...

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