SHINE SA, 12.08.21 SHINE SA welcomes the latest legislation in Western Australia that protects the safety and privacy of people seeking reproductive healthcare. WA is the final state in Australia to place these protections. In November 2020, South Australia passed similar legislation know as the ‘Safe Access Zones’ bill. This bill ensures people seeking abortions and those that provide them can...
Changes in use of hormonal long‐acting reversible contraceptive methods in Australia 2006 – 2018
Changes in use of hormonal long‐acting reversible contraceptive methods in Australia between 2006 and 2018: A population‐based study Luke E. Grzeskowiak, Helen Calabretto, Natalie Amos, Danielle Mazza, Jenni Ilomaki ANZJOG First published: 23 October 2020, Abstract: Background Long‐acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) are promoted internationally as a key strategy for reducing unintended...
Free online event – What Is Your Vision: The Future Of Abortion Care In Australia
Children by Choice, Family Planning NT, I Had One Too, 1800 My Options, Our Bodies Our Choices, South Australian Abortion Action Coalition, Sexual Health Quarters WA, SPHERE and Women’s Health Tasmania, September 2020 Event time and date: Mon 28th Sep 2020, 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm AEST (NB: this event starts at 6.30 PM Adelaide Time) About the event Gina Rushton will be chatting to health...
Marie Stopes Australia seeks signatories to open letter re changes to telehealth
July 2020 There are changes to Telehealth from Monday, July 20th which mean that clients who have not attended a service within the last 12 months – that is, new clients or clients who have not used a service in the last 12 months – will no longer be eligible for a Telehealth appointment. Marie Stopes Australia has written an open letter about the impact of this change access to...
Sexual and reproductive health a COVID-19 priority (Statement)
Burnet Institute, 28 May, 2020 Burnet Institute is a member of a consortium of Australian-based non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and academic institutes concerned about the detrimental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls globally. The International Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Consortium, which includes Save the...
There are fears coronavirus is stopping Australia’s migrant women from accessing abortions
SBS News, 26th April 2020 Vulnerable pregnant women could lose access to abortion throughout Australia because of increased financial hardship caused by the coronavirus pandemic, reproductive health providers have warned. A combination of widespread job losses, differing abortion laws around the country, and patchy access to Medicare, could mean more women need financial assistance to terminate...