SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance, February 2024 Parliament of South Australia’s Social Development Committee is undertaking an inquiry into the potential for a Human Rights Act for South Australia. SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance prepared a submission supporting a Human Rights Act in South Australia on the basis that it may protect the rights of LGBTIQA+ South Australians and address some of the...
Draft model of care for TGD people in SA released: feedback sought
South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA), July 2022 On 21 July 2022 trans community advocates and SARAA met with Health Minister Chris Picton MP to present signatures from over 150 South Australians calling for timely and accessible gender affirming healthcare. SA Health released their draft State-wide Gender Diversity Model of Care later that day. It sets out plans for: continued...
IDAHOBIT 2020: South Australian community event (free)
South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance and South Australian Department of Human Services, April 2020 17 May is IDAHOBIT – the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexphobia and Transphobia. IDAHOBIT’s theme for 2020 is “Breaking the Silence”, and that’s precisely what we’re going to do! Although we might not be able to meet together in...
SHINE SA a signatory to the South Australian joint statement against the Religious Discrimination Bill
February 27th, 2020 We the undersigned represent a range of researchers, community service organisations and advocacy groups that support communities throughout South Australia. We are united in our concerns about the draft Religious Discrimination Bill and its potential to cause harm to the communities we serve. We respect the diversity of Australia and celebrate the multitude of beliefs...
2019 Community Survey Results from The South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA)
SARAA, 1 April 2019 The South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA) has analysed the results of their community survey and compiled them into a summary. Some key findings: Only 60% of respondents felt comfortable disclosing their gender and/or their sexual orientation when accessing services. When accessing services, 37.7% of respondents felt that they didn’t receive sufficient and...
LGBTIQ People Ageing Well Report released (SA)
COTA SA & South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA), July 2018 The LGBTIQ People Ageing Well Project commenced in April 2017 as a 12-month joint project between COTA SA and the South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA). The main aim of the project was to engage with older people from South Australia’s LGBTIQ communities to find out what matters most to them as they age to...