Syphilis Is Still Out There: What Clinicians Need to Know


SHINE SA, Posted on November 25, 2021 An ongoing infectious syphilis outbreak has spread across Australia’s states and territories leading to an endemic level in some areas. The outbreak was first reported among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in rural and remote northern Australia in 2011. Clinicians are now encouraged to have a high clinical suspicion for syphilis in all population...

Open letter to PM signed by over 250 organisations, including SHINE SA


23/11/2021 SHINE SA are pleased to be one of the many signatories to the Joint Letter to the Prime Minister calling for laws that protect us all, equally. Media Release from Equality Australia, November 23, 2021: Olympian Ian Thorpe has today teamed up with LGBTIQ+ organisation, Equality Australia, to launch a campaign urging the Australian Parliament to oppose a Religious Discrimination Bill...

Research demonstrates student support for SHINE SA’s Relationships and Sexual Health Program


SHINE SA,  October 13, 2021 Recent research demonstrates student support for SHINE SA’s comprehensive relationships and sexual health curriculum. The study draws on surveys completed by 29,533 South Australian secondary students aged 12-16 years conducted over a twelve-year period between 2006-2017. University of Adelaide researcher Sophie Kedzior1, analysed surveys of students who had engaged...

SHINE SA Welcomes Australia-Wide Ban on Harassment Outside Abortion Clinics


SHINE SA, 12.08.21 SHINE SA welcomes the latest legislation in Western Australia that protects the safety and privacy of people seeking reproductive healthcare. WA is the final state in Australia to place these protections. In November 2020, South Australia passed similar legislation know as the ‘Safe Access Zones’ bill. This bill ensures people seeking abortions and those that provide them can...

“Sex Ed”: Young people, consent and the Australian curriculum (Video of webinar)

ANROWS,  July 5th 2021 Adolescence is a time where ideas and beliefs about relationships, including gender roles and sex, are being developed. Sexual and consent education occurs through various pathways including schools, youth services, the media, families and parenting, and peers and pornography. Evidence shows that pornography impacts knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about sex, intimacy...

Respect Me + You, Is Your Syphilis Check Up Due? (New Campaign)


May 2021 The Respect Me + You, Is Your Syphilis Check Up Due? Campaign has now launched! This campaign was originally conceived by Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia (AHCSA), and was adapted as a collaboration with SHINE SA in 2020. The campaign is a response to the rise in syphilis infections in South Australia which has been particularly devastating for Aboriginal communities. It is a...

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