Tagself-limited diseases

Caring for people with MPX: constantly updated clinical guidelines


National Clinical Evidence Taskforce (Australia), 2022 The National Clinical Evidence Taskforce aims to support Australia’s healthcare professionals caring for people with urgent and emerging diseases, by providing continually updated, evidence-based clinical guidelines. The Taskforce, an alliance between 35 member organisations, established the world’s first ‘living guidelines’...

Monkeypox update: Your Questions Answered video with Dr Dr Vincent Cornelisse / Updated Clinical Guidance from ATAGI / Responding to MPX: GBM in Australia (Survey)


MPX – Monkeypox – Your Questions Answered (video) Thorne Harbour Health, 26 Aug, 2022 Thorne Harbour Health’s Cal Hawk is joined by Dr Vincent Cornelisse to unpack the latest information we have about the current global outbreak of the monkeypox virus (MPXV) including what our communities can do now to reduce their risk. Vincent is a specialist in sexual health medicine and...

Monkeypox update: Vaccine appointments in SA / Clinical Guidance / Information for GBMSM / Podcast


1. Monkeypox Virus Vaccine in South Australia SHINE SA, 11th August 2022 The situation with monkeypox virus and vaccine availability is changing quickly. Limited monkeypox (MPX) vaccine appointments are now available in SA. As there is currently very limited supply of MPX Vaccine in SA, SHINE SA have been advised by SA Health that until further notice, eligibility is limited to people who meet...

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