
Latest Australian Statistics on Sexual Violence – Victimisation


Australian Bureau of Statistics, 24/08/2021 This article is the first in a new series exploring the nature and prevalence of sexual assault, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment in Australia. Topics covered include changes in prevalence over time, victimisation risk factors, immediate and long-term impacts on victims, and criminal justice outcomes for offenders. The focus of this first article is...

Australian LGBTIQA+ Policy Guide


The Equality Project, August 2021 The Australian LGBTIQA+ Policy Guide is a high-level overview of the most prominent needs experienced broadly throughout Australian LGBTIQA+ communities. The Equality Project developed the guide to ensure that lesbian, gay, bi+, trans, gender diverse, non-binary, intersex, queer, asexual people and their families experience genuine inclusion and the realisation...

Factsheets: new Spent Convictions process (Homosexual Activity) in SA


Department for Correctional Services & Attorney-General’s Department (SA), Page last updated 26 July 2021 If the court rules that you’re guilty of a crime, the conviction will probably appear on your National Police Certificate (NPC), which is often referred to as a ‘police check’. Not all convictions stay on your record forever. It’s possible to have some...

‘Good intentions are not enough’: Calls to consider complex coercive control faced by migrant women


SBS News, 24/2/2021 Groups representing culturally and linguistically diverse communities are calling for a cautious approach to criminalising coercive control that gives a voice to already vulnerable victim-survivors. Coercive and controlling behaviours are complex and can look vastly different across culturally and linguistically diverse communities, experts have told a parliamentary inquiry...

How the ‘National Cabinet of Whores’ is leading Australia’s coronavirus response for sex workers


Roxana Diamond in The Conversation, August 7, 2020 12.31pm AEST This article has links that contain graphic content Many industries and employees have been hurt by COVID-19. But sex workers, who face stigma and discrimination at the best of times, have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic. The United Nations has warned, As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, sex workers all over the world...

Impact of COVID-19 on Migrant and Refugee Women and Children Experiencing DFV


Women’s Safety NSW, Published: July 31, 2020 Whilst research on the prevalence of violence against migrant and refugee women is limited, what is known is that cultural, language and systemic barriers serve to reduce access to safety and support for this group of women, and they are at higher risk of domestic homicide. (AIC 2020) This also corresponds with lower rates of reporting amongst...

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