Tagmobile app technology

Birth control: Natural methods of contraception on the rise in Australia


ABC, 22nd July 2017 Despite the messaging around safe sex and unwanted pregnancies that dominates our discussion of sexual health, a growing number of Australians are opting to risk it. A recent study out of Monash University suggests the use of so-called natural contraception methods, like withdrawal and fertility awareness, are making a comeback. Sara Holton, a research fellow at Monash and co...

Antiretroviral sex: the transformation of safe sex?


February 2017 This free, public lecture, given by Associate Professor Martin Holt of the UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, considers the radical shifts in HIV prevention associated with the use of HIV treatment and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). These prevention strategies provide new ways to safely avoid HIV, but also pose challenges to the ways communities understand, and potentially...

New digital resource on revenge po*rn & cyberbullying in SA


The Law Society, 2 November 2016 The Law Society and University of Adelaide have launched a new digital cyberbullying resource which deals with new revenge porn laws that came into force in SA on Friday. A cyberbullying section has been added to the app Out of Bounds (previously called The Naked Truth), which also explains the laws surrounding unlawful sexual intercourse and sexting. The new...

Teens should be educated about safer sexting not just abstinence, report says


The Guardian, Monday 31 October 2016 06.43 AEDT Teenagers should be educated on how to sext more safely and be respectful of each other rather than be persuaded by educational materials to abstain from sexting, a new report says. The paper, written by Yfoundations youth health sector support officer Jessie Hunt, is a first in Australian public health policy. It says resources aimed at educating...

Study: People with low health literacy don’t find health apps helpful


The Daily Texan, October 25, 2016 at 12:08 am Health and wellness technology is everywhere — fitbit apps, patient portals and nutrition trackers —­ but a new study by UT researchers shows that this technology might not be helping the people who need it the most: those who have a hard time understanding health information.  Michael Mackert, University of Texas public relations and advertising...

Australian recommendations for the management of hepatitis C infection – app & website


Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine, July 2016 Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major public health challenge for Australia, affecting approximately 230,000 people who are at risk of progressive liver fibrosis leading to cirrhosis, liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The burden of liver disease due to HCV is projected to triple by...

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