ANROWS, July 5th 2021 Adolescence is a time where ideas and beliefs about relationships, including gender roles and sex, are being developed. Sexual and consent education occurs through various pathways including schools, youth services, the media, families and parenting, and peers and pornography. Evidence shows that pornography impacts knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about sex, intimacy...
Position statement on Autistic-LGBTIQA+ identity
Reframing Autism, June 17th 2021; Written by Sam Rose with Melanie Heyworth In recent years, it has become widely accepted that there is a considerable overlap between the Autistic and the LGBTIQA+ communities. However, a corresponding effort to support the Autistic-LGBTIQA+ community has not been forthcoming, and there is a striking lack of resource allocation, acceptance, and support for this...
New podcast by women living with HIV in Australia “Our Stories: Ending HIV Stigma”
Positive Women Victoria, October 2020 Welcome to Our Stories: Ending HIV Stigma, a podcast about women, by women living with HIV in Australia to challenge the myths and stereotypes that feed HIV stigma. We share our stories of achieving our personal and career goals, navigating sex and relationships, and our journey through pregnancy and motherhood in this new era of Undetectable equals...
Breaking the Binary Code: Celebrating gender and sexuality diversity
The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre (Victoria), 2020 Breaking the Binary Code: Celebrating gender and sexuality diversity, challenging stereotypes and relationship expectations is a 18-month primary prevention of family violence project. The project has a strengths-based approach working with LGBTIQA+ young people, community and stakeholders. It was led in partnership with The Sexual...
SEXUAL HEALTH MATTERS: new clinical podcast from SHINE SA
SHINE SA, May 2020 Filled with quality clinical guidance and tips for best practice, SHINE SA’s new Sexual Health Matters – Clinical Podcast delves into the intimate regions of the body and broaches the uncomfortable conversations necessary to ensure client safety and sexual/reproductive well-being. Through discussion, interview and explanation, experienced sexual health clinicians raise...
Crystal Clear: Forum & Podcast Launch
SAMESH, 25/11/2019 Join our panel of researchers, health care workers, community members and psychologists as they delve into the issues of crystal use among gay men and men who have sex with men. Following the Crystal Pleasures study into methamphetamine use in gay men and men who have sex with men, CSRH has produced a series of podcasts discussing this issue at length from a variety of...