
IUD saving fertility for women with cancer


University of Queensland, March 2021 A common intrauterine device (IUD) could help preserve fertility and reduce the need for hysterectomies for women suffering endometrial cancer, according to University of Queensland research. UQ’s Professor Andreas Obermair, from the Queensland Centre for Gynaecological Cancer Research, said his team had just completed the feMMe study – a phase II randomised...

Perceptions and experiences of lifestyle interventions in women with PCOS


Perceptions and experiences of lifestyle interventions in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), as a management strategy for symptoms of PCOS. Arentz, S., Smith, C.A., Abbott, J. et al. BMC Women’s Health 21, 107 (2021). The international clinical practice guidelines for PCOS emphasize diet and exercise as first-line management of clinical signs and symptoms. This study aimed to...

Tickets to the LGBTI Family Violence Forum available now (free online events)


Thorne Harbour Health, 22nd July 2020 Effecting Change and Accountability: Family Violence Interventions for LGBTI Communities: Monday 10th to Friday 14th August 2020 Since the release of Victoria’s Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations in 2016, LGBTI family violence service providers and mainstream family violence services who are attaining rainbow tick accreditation have worked...

Pride in Prevention: A guide to primary prevention of family violence experienced by LGBTIQ communities.


Pride in Prevention Evidence Guide Produced by Rainbow Health Victoria for the LGBTIQ Family Violence Prevention Project 2019–202, launched 30 Jun 2020 Authors: Marina Carman, Jackson Fairchild, Matthew Parsons, Claire Farrugia, Jennifer Power and Adam Bourne. The Pride in Prevention Evidence Guide  is now available to download. This project forges new ground in the primary prevention of family...

A simple way to promote HPV vaccination among Asian American women: Storytelling


The Conversation, March 4, 2020 10.58pm AEDT Why do so many Asian Americans and Pacific Islander women know so little about HPV? We set out to answer this question by interviewing  ethnic groups and conducting surveys. Our findings suggest their knowledge and attitudes toward HPV prevention are closely tied to health beliefs and cultural or language barriers. What’s more, we discovered preventive...

High-risk behaviors and their association with awareness of HIV status among participants of a prevention intervention


High-risk behaviors and their association with awareness of HIV status among participants of a large-scale prevention intervention in Athens, Greece. Pavlopoulou, I.D., Dikalioti, S.K., Gountas, I. et al. BMC Public Health 20, 105 (2020). Abstract Background Aristotle was a seek-test-treat intervention during an outbreak of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among people who inject...

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