
Factsheet on the new The Marriage Law Survey (Additional Safeguards) Bill 2017


The Equality Campaign, 18/09/2017 The Marriage Law Survey (Additional Safeguards) Bill 2017 was introduced into parliament (and passed) at the end of last week. Included as a part of the bill was a series of temporary measures to protect people from vilification, harassment or threats of harm during the current postal survey campaign. Also included as a part of the bill is a series of...

Grindr, virtual reality and vlogging: new ways to talk about sexual health


The Guardian, July 21st, 2017 Almost half the world’s population is online and billions of young people use social media. So why doesn’t more sex education happen across these channels? The first Global Advisory Board for Sexual Health and Wellbeing brings together a group of individuals from across the world who are using innovative ways to reach more people with information about sex and...

‘Revenge porn’: one in five report they have been victims in Australian survey


Guardian, Monday 8 May 2017 04.30 AEST The first comprehensive research on so-called revenge porn has shed light on the “mass scale of victimisation” across Australia and its sometimes devastating impact. A survey of nearly 4,300 people led by RMIT University and Monash University revealed that 20% of respondents had had images or videos of a nude or sexual nature taken without their consent; 11%...

Knowing your labia (radio on demand)


Triple R radio,18.04.2017 What does a “normal” labia look like? What is driving the increased demand of labioplasty? These are some of the questions leading to the creation of The Labia Library, an initiative from Women’s Health Victoria. It provides access to unaltered images of women’s labia, in order to dispel concerns and myths due to the rise of censored and altered images in pornography. Dr...

An atlas of six South Australian communities: Mapping the influences on community wellbeing


DSCI & SA Health, 2016 An atlas of six South Australian communities: Mapping the influences on community wellbeing was produced for the South Australian Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) and the Department for Health and Ageing (SA Health). Over the last three decades, numerous reports and studies have highlighted substantial variations in the wellbeing across the South...

Forum: Porn literacy: raising sexually intelligent young people


SHine SA, October 2016 In the words of Dr Marty Klein, Licensed Sex Therapist, Writer and Speaker: “In addition to death and taxes, there are two other things we can be sure of:  The internet is here to stay. Pornography is here to stay.” With that in mind, join us at our ReFRESH Forum as we discuss the need to equip our young people with the essential skills and strategies to...

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