
Report: 6th National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health


Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS), 2019 The Secondary Students and Adolescent Sexual Health survey is a national study exploring the sexual health and well-being of Australian adolescents. The anonymous survey asks questions about knowledge, behaviour and educational experiences related to sexual health and well-being. The Commonwealth Department of Health funded...

We need a new definition of pornography – with consent at the centre


The Conversation, March 18, 2019 5.51am AEDT We all think we know what pornography is, whether we oppose it, use it, or tolerate it. But are we all conjuring up the same images? Before we began our research on the meaning of pornography in young women’s lives, we wanted to define it. Our review of the literature found no consistently used definition. It was notable that there was no mention of...

Australian sex education isn’t diverse enough. Here’s why we should follow England’s lead.


The Conversation, 7 August 2018 By David Rhodes, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Edith Cowan University How children are taught about sex, relationships and sexuality at school is shaping up to be a political hot potato in Australia (again). It’s already been slated to be an issue in the Victorian state elections later this year. That’s just a short time from being on the agenda during the...

Australian sex workers fear US anti-trafficking laws could make the internet off limits


ABC News, 10/4/2018 Think about the tools you use for work, and then imagine a legal change on the other side of the world could take them out of your hands. Sex workers fear that could happen in Australia if a contentious US bill becomes law. It’s aimed at making websites liable if they’re used to facilitate “sex trafficking”. Like every profession, sex work is...

How YouTubers took over sex education


The Guardian, Tues March 13, 2018 With UK schools increasingly falling short, vloggers such as Hannah Witton and Laci Green have stepped up to offer guidance on everything from body confidence to sexual pleasure.  YouTube sex educators are increasingly popular, and for the young people I speak to, such videos are where almost all their information about sex now comes from. Read more...

Study: Abortion Pills Ordered Online Were Safe, But None Came With Instructions


Rewire, Oct 10, 2017 New research shows that you can buy effective abortion pills online. This is a groundbreaking finding given that cost, travel, and onerous abortion restrictions often make in-clinic, first-trimester abortions inaccessible. In the study, published Tuesday in the peer-reviewed journal Contraception, researchers ordered abortion pills from 20 websites, none of which required a...

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