Department of Health and Aged Care (Australia), 3 May 2023 The Australian Government is delivering on its commitment to eliminate HIV transmission in Australia, and address the health disparities experienced by LGBTIQA+ people. An additional $19.7 million in the 2023–24 Budget will ensure better access to HIV testing, treatment and information, including support for the HIV workforce and to...
Sexual health & BBV resources for professionals who work with multicultural communities
Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health, as at August 2022 The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Part of this involves working with professionals from health, community, and local government services to improve their responsiveness to people from these communities. One of the ways they do this is by...
CONNECTing at risk communities [in Adelaide] with HIV self testing
SAMESH, Wednesday 23 March 2022 Media Release: CONNECTing at risk communities with rapid HIV testing – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SAMESH, a partnership between SHINE SA and Thorne Harbour Health, has launched CONNECT – a pilot program evaluating the use of vending machines to dispense free Atomo HIV Self-Test (HST) kits to support rapid HIV testing and to strengthen pathways to treatment and...
Updated International Student Principles for Australia
Australian Human Rights Commission, 2022 The International Student Principles were developed to address the human rights concerns of international students living in Australia. They are intended: As a guide for all organisations and government agencies that provide services to international students; To inform the ongoing development of policies and services relating to international students;...
PEACE Multicultural Services: LGBTIQ+ Community Survey
Relationships Australia South Australia, June 2021 PEACE Multicultural Services at Relationships Australia South Australia invite you to provide input to an anonymous LGBTIQA+ community questionnaire. Your assistance is important to help improve the PEACE team’s services which can contribute towards your health and wellbeing. The questionnaire focuses in particular on knowledge, beliefs and...
The Experience of International Students Before and During COVID-19: Housing, work, study, and wellbeing
University of Technology Sydney, Australian Research Council study (DP190101073), International students’ experience of renting accommodation in Australia is a crucial but overlooked determinant of their wellbeing, which has been brought into stark relief by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report is based on two surveys of international students in the private rental sector (PRS). The...