UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, August 2021 Deadly Liver Mob program is an incentivised, peer-led program that offers education and screening for hepatitis C, hepatitis B and STIs for Aboriginal people. The primary purpose of the Deadly Liver Mob program is to provide hepatitis C virus education and referral to blood borne virus and sexually transmissible infections screening and...
Medically Supervised Injecting Room supporting the most vulnerable, new study shows
Burnet Institute, June 11, 2021 A new Burnet Institute study shows the North Richmond Medically Supervised Injecting Room (MSIR) is fulfilling its brief and playing a constructive role by attracting people who are most at risk from harm relating to their injecting drug use, and most in need of the service. The research also points to positive impacts on the amenity of the local area through a...
Phylogenetic clustering networks among heterosexual migrants with new HIV diagnoses post-migration in Australia
Phylogenetic clustering networks among heterosexual migrants with new HIV diagnoses post-migration in Australia Rachel Sacks-Davis et al PLOS One Published: September 1, 2020 Background: It is estimated that approximately half of new HIV diagnoses among heterosexual migrants in Victoria, Australia, were acquired post-migration. We investigated the characteristics of phylogenetic clusters in...
Australian Burden of Disease Study: Illicit Drug Use, Intimate Partner Violence, Unsafe Sex
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Last updated: 06 Aug 2020 Burden of disease is a measure of the years of healthy life lost from living with, or dying from disease and injury. A portion of this burden is preventable, being due to modifiable risk factors. This report provides information on the deaths and burden of disease due to risk factors included in the Australian Burden of...
Stigma towards people who inject drugs and sex workers prevalent, according to new Australian study
Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW, July 2020 Priority groups at risk of blood borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections are still likely to experience negative behaviour from the general public and in healthcare settings according to a recent report from the Stigma Indicators Monitoring Project. 86% of the general public sampled self-reported that they would behave negatively...
COVID-19 and Harm Reduction Programme Implementation: Sharing Experiences in Practice (Webinar)
Médecins du Monde Harm Reduction, April 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic is having a profound effect on the provision of health services across the globe and is further magnifying the existing barriers faced by people who use drugs in accessing harm reduction services. Programmes have had to adapt, and efforts are being made to enhance accessibility and ensure the continuity of harm reduction services...