Taghigh-risk populations

Position Statement on LARC access during the COVID-19 pandemic


SHINE SA, April 7, 2020 SHINE SA, along with Family Planning Victoria, Family Planning NT, Family Planning Tasmania, Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT, Sexual Health Quarters, and True Relationships & Reproductive Health have co-signed a Position Statement on LARC access during the COVID-19 pandemic. Extended use of and ongoing access to LARCs during the COVID-19 pandemic Provision of...

Disability Support Toolkit for frontline workers – violence and abuse


1800RESPECT, March 2020 The Disability Support Toolkit has resources for front line workers supporting people with disability who have been impacted by violence and abuse. People with disability are 1.8 times more likely to experience violence and abuse, including more varied forms of abuse. (Source: AIHW Report 2019.) They are also less likely, and take longer to reach out for support. This...

High-risk behaviors and their association with awareness of HIV status among participants of a prevention intervention


High-risk behaviors and their association with awareness of HIV status among participants of a large-scale prevention intervention in Athens, Greece. Pavlopoulou, I.D., Dikalioti, S.K., Gountas, I. et al. BMC Public Health 20, 105 (2020). Abstract Background Aristotle was a seek-test-treat intervention during an outbreak of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among people who inject...

Striving towards the elimination of HCV infection among PWID


International Journal of Drug Policy, Volume 72,Pages 1-198 (October 2019) Nearly 200 pages of open access articles from projects and research around the world. While this special issue highlights some successful efforts towards HCV elimination among people who inject drugs, it also highlights the relative lack of attention to settings in which resources enabling elimination are scarce, and where...

Emergency contraception awareness in an at‐risk population


Hope, D. L., Hattingh, L. and King, M. A. (2019) J Pharm Pract Res. doi:10.1002/jppr.1554 Background Consumer awareness of emergency contraception is generally poor. School leavers (schoolies) engage in risky behaviours, including casual sex and alcohol and drug consumption. Aim The aim of this study was to explore the awareness of an at‐risk population of schoolies regarding the use and...

Liver cancer death rate rising: study


SBS News, 9/4/19 The rate of liver cancer deaths and diagnoses has increased substantially in the past three decades, yet researchers say little has been done to help Australians most at risk. While it is considered a relatively rare type of cancer – nearly 2000 people were diagnosed in 2014 – the high mortality rate and increasing incidence of diagnosis has been concerning...

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