Taghealth care

Open letter to PM signed by over 250 organisations, including SHINE SA


23/11/2021 SHINE SA are pleased to be one of the many signatories to the Joint Letter to the Prime Minister calling for laws that protect us all, equally. Media Release from Equality Australia, November 23, 2021: Olympian Ian Thorpe has today teamed up with LGBTIQ+ organisation, Equality Australia, to launch a campaign urging the Australian Parliament to oppose a Religious Discrimination Bill...

Client-led care in HIV: perspectives from community and practice


Crawford, D, Allan, B, Cogle, A, Brown, G. Client-led care in HIV: perspectives from community and practice. HIV Med. 2021; 22 (Suppl 1): 3– 14.  While current antiretroviral and care strategies can effectively suppress HIV, achieving optimal quality of life (QoL) requires a wider consideration of clients’ well-being, the complexity of individuals’ lives and social determinants of health. The...

Latest Australian Statistics on Sexual Violence – Victimisation


Australian Bureau of Statistics, 24/08/2021 This article is the first in a new series exploring the nature and prevalence of sexual assault, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment in Australia. Topics covered include changes in prevalence over time, victimisation risk factors, immediate and long-term impacts on victims, and criminal justice outcomes for offenders. The focus of this first article is...

SHINE SA Welcomes Australia-Wide Ban on Harassment Outside Abortion Clinics


SHINE SA, 12.08.21 SHINE SA welcomes the latest legislation in Western Australia that protects the safety and privacy of people seeking reproductive healthcare. WA is the final state in Australia to place these protections. In November 2020, South Australia passed similar legislation know as the ‘Safe Access Zones’ bill. This bill ensures people seeking abortions and those that provide them can...

Using social networking sites to recruit participants: sexual health, knowledge, and behaviour of young South Australians


Using social networking sites to recruit participants: methods of an online survey of sexual health, knowledge and behaviour of young South Australians. Stephen Harfield, Salenna Elliott, Liam Ramsey, Tambri Housen, James Ward (2021). Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. Abstract Objective: To describe the methods of recruitment and demographic results of an online sexual health...

Understanding Lesbian, bisexual and queer women’s Experiences of Alcohol, Substance Use and Health (UnLEASH) Study


NDARC at UNSW , June 2021   The Understanding Lesbian, bisexual and queer women’s Experiences of Alcohol, Substance Use and Health (UnLEASH) Study explores lesbian, bisexual and queer women’s health and wellbeing and the relationship with smoking, drinking, and using drugs. We want to give voices to those in our communities that have not been heard before and we need your help! Led by...

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