
Updated International Student Principles for Australia


Australian Human Rights Commission, 2022 The International Student Principles were developed to address the human rights concerns of international students living in Australia. They are intended: As a guide for all organisations and government agencies that provide services to international students; To inform the ongoing development of policies and services relating to international students;...

Pride in Prevention Messaging Guide: Family violence experienced by LGBTIQ communities


Rainbow Health Victoria, 10th August 2021 Rainbow Health Victoria is proud to announce the launch of the new resource Pride in Prevention Messaging Guide: A guide to support communications and engagement in primary prevention of family violence experienced by LGBTIQ communities. This guide has been produced by the LGBTIQ Family Violence Prevention Project 2019-2021, a ground-breaking initiative...

Guide on Co-Design with People Living with Disability


Purple Orange, July 2021 Co-design is a simple way of involving people in the community in decision making processes. There are many benefits to co-design and it can be used in a wide range of circumstances.  The Purple Orange Co-Design Guide provides practical tips and advice on how co-design can be used effectively in the disability context. Click here to download the Purple Orange Co-Design...

Australian HIV Peer Support Standards


National Association of People With HIV Australia (NAPWHA), 2020 The HIV Peer Support Standards, developed by the National Association of People With HIV Australia (NAPHWA), is a welcomed resource and addresses a long standing gap in policy and program planning of services for people living with HIV. The evidence-informed standards provide a step-by-step guide that create a framework for...

Care of a person who has been strangled (information in several languages)


Yarrow Place, October 2020 Youth and Women’s Safety and Wellbeing Division are very pleased to announce the completion of a range of strangulation pamphlets designed for both the consumer and the service provider. We know strangulation is a common form of assault in the context of domestic and family violence and sexual assault, so these pamphlets have been designed to guide non-medical service...

RACGP offers new suite of IUD resources


RACGP, 25th August 2020 The newly released suite consists of five intrauterine device (IUD) resources, including a checklist and patient confirmation form, patient pre- and post-insertion checklist, practitioner checklist and disclaimer. Current evidence-based options for pain relief during IUD procedures are provided as an appendix. Dr Amy Moten, Chair of the RACGP Specific Interests Sexual...

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