1800RESPECT, March 2020 The Disability Support Toolkit has resources for front line workers supporting people with disability who have been impacted by violence and abuse. People with disability are 1.8 times more likely to experience violence and abuse, including more varied forms of abuse. (Source: AIHW Report 2019.) They are also less likely, and take longer to reach out for support. This...
Towards a Safe Place: Raising Awareness of Domestic Violence in LGBTIQA+ Communities (resource)
Catalyst Foundation, 2019 The Towards a Safe Place project has created resources for LGBTIQA+ communities to use both as individuals or in communities to support and inform at risk individuals of available services and supports in relation to Domestic Violence and to increase awareness and understanding of Domestic Violence and its impact within LGBTIQA+ communities. We have worked closely...
Fears family violence is going undetected by psychiatrists
Guardian, Thu 10 May 2018 04.00 AEST
Half of Australia’s psychiatrists are receiving less than two hours of formal training in how to deal with family violence, a study has found.
The finding has raised fears family violence may be going undetected by psychiatrists, and prompted calls for a more comprehensive training regimen.
Read more of Fears family violence is going undetected by psychiatrists
A survey on violence and discrimination among people with disabilities
BMC Public Health 2018 18:355 Abstract Background The aim of the study was to quantify levels of violence and discrimination among people with disabilities and analyze the effects of gender and the type and degree of disability. Methods The study analyzed data on self-reported violence and discrimination from a Danish national survey of 18,019 citizens, of whom 4519 reported a physical disability...
Temporary migration and family violence: an analysis of victimisation, support and vulnerability
Monash University / InTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence, 2017 Family violence does not discriminate. However, it is known that for various subsets of the population, both the experience of family violence and the support and response options do vary, in some cases significantly. The Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence (VRCFV) acknowledged the importance of recognising...
Australian report finds disturbing evidence of gender inequality
Guardian Australia, March 8th Incorrect assumptions are being made that gender equality has been achieved despite disturbing and comprehensive evidence to the contrary, an investigation by Australia’s sex discrimination commissioner, Kate Jenkins, has found. “There are many different voices in this, and my voice is tied to having spoken to rural women, LGBTI women, older women, women with...