
Evaluating interventions related to violence against women


ANROWS, Thursday, 28th June 2018 This guide, Evaluating interventions related to violence against women, is a resource for community and health workers, clinicians, as well as educators, activists, policy-makers, academics and others. It is designed to help them evaluate interventions related to violence against women (VAW), so they can use the findings to improve services, secure funding and...

Development and validation of PozQoL: a scale to assess quality of life of PLHIV


BMC Public Health, 2018 18:527,  Abstract Background Advances in medical treatment for HIV are driving major changes in HIV policy and practice, including the encouragement of intake and adherence to HIV antiretroviral treatment (ART) by people living with HIV (PLHIV) for both personal and public health benefits. However, there is increasing recognition that achieving these goals will require a...

Sexual & Reproductive Health Resource Kit for Aboriginal young people


Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of New South Wales, 2018 The AH&MRC has developed a new vibrant Sexual and Reproductive Health Resource Kit for workers to use with Aboriginal young people named “DOIN ‘IT’ RIGHT!”. DOIN IT RIGHT! provides workers who work with young Aboriginal people (including non-sexual health and non-Aboriginal workers) with step by...

Making sexual consent matter: one-off courses are unlikely to help


The Conversation, February 15, 2018 6.05am AEDT In the wake of the findings of the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) 2017 national report on sexual assault and sexual harassment at Australian universities, a number of universities have introduced mandatory courses on sexual consent for new students. Of all students who participated in the AHRC inquiry, 26% experienced some form of sexual...

Evidence-Informed Public Health: resources and information


National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools (Canada), 2017 Evidence-Informed Public Health is the process of distilling and disseminating the best available evidence from research, context and experience, and using that evidence to inform and improve public health practice and policy. Put simply, it means finding, using and sharing what works in public health. Canada’s NCCMT has a...

2016 Snapshot of student feedback on SHINE’s Relationships and Sexual Health program


SHINE SA, August 2017 This report summarises data collected from students who participated in the SHINE SA Focus Schools Program at their school in 2016. The Focus Schools Program is available to Department for Education and Child Development schools in South Australia that have a secondary years component. In 2016 there were 127 schools involved in the program. The full report is available from...

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