2016 Snapshot of student feedback on SHINE’s Relationships and Sexual Health program


SHINE SA, August 2017

This report summarises data collected from students who participated in the SHINE SA Focus Schools Program at their school in 2016.

The Focus Schools Program is available to Department for Education and Child Development schools in South Australia that have a secondary years component. In 2016 there were 127 schools involved in the program. The full report is available from SHINE SA.

Key findings:

• 4586 students from 58 Focus Schools submitted a survey.
• 83% of respondents rated the safety and support of the class environment as Good or Excellent.
• 86% of respondents rated the course overall as Good or Excellent.
• 94% of respondents believe the course will be useful to them now or in the future.
• 79% of respondents believe the course was often or always respectful and inclusive of same sex attraction.
• 83% of respondents believe the course was often or always respectful and inclusive of different values and beliefs.
• 27% of respondents have spoken with their family about a program related topic as a result of the lessons they have participated in.
• Parent/carer rated highest (70%) in regard to where young people would go for further information, followed by Friend (51%), Health service (44%), Internet (44%), Teacher (39%), and School Counsellor (29%).
• The 5 most useful topics indicated, in descending order, were: Relationships; Safer sex; STIs; All of it; Condom use.
• 47% indicated that no change was needed to improve the course, with 23% wanting more in-depth information

By J Pope

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