TagEnglish as a second language

Hepatitis B testing infographic now available


Hepatitis NSW, October 2017 With the increasing visibility of hep B, Hepatitis NSW felt there was a need to make information about hep B testing clearer. It can be a complex subject to grapple with and there’s lots of misinformation and confusion out there. This hep B testing infographic aims to give both doctors and patients a clearer understanding of what tests to do as well as what the test...

HIV infections in NSW have fallen to their lowest levels — except for one group of people


news.com.au, August 29, 2017 Many people born overseas seem oblivious to efforts to stamp out HIV in Australia. Marco Matillano, an Australian of Filipino descent who has had his own brush with HIV, thinks he know at least part of the answer — bashfulness when it comes to sex. He said there’s an unwillingness for friends, family — and even people themselves — to discuss sexual health and there...

Forum: How to effectively use interpreters


SHINE SA, 18 April 2017 Our upcoming ReFRESH Forum is on how to use interpreters effectively. Interpreters play an important role in our multicultural society, especially in their contribution to appropriate delivery of health care services. An interpreter’s role is to act as a conduit, conveying information in an understandable format between parties who do not share a common language...

How different cultures experience and talk about pain


The Conversation, December 15, 2015 6.28am AEDT Many things contribute to how we experience and express pain. Gender, age, education, socioeconomic status, the relative power of the participants in the conversation, and whether the person in pain is speaking in their mother tongue or another language all affect a person’s experience of pain. Each of these factors can have a crucial impact on how...

New resource showing the teach back technique in hepatitis B context


Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health, St. Vincent’s Hospital and the Melbourne Primary Care Network, July 2015 This 9-minute video demonstrates the use of Teach Back in a Hepatitis B context. Teach back is a technique clinicians can use with clients to reduce the chance of misunderstanding important health information. The technique can assist patients to understand and engage in their own...

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