SHINE SA, 18 April 2017
Our upcoming ReFRESH Forum is on how to use interpreters effectively.
Interpreters play an important role in our multicultural society, especially in their contribution to appropriate delivery of health care services. An interpreter’s role is to act as a conduit, conveying information in an understandable format between parties who do not share a common language.
Interpreters are a valuable asset when working with clients from diverse backgrounds. Ensuring that we are communicating effectively with our clients depends on how
and when we use interpreters.
This forum aims to explore and enhance the ways in which workers and services can effectively use interpreters.
When 2 June 2017
Where SHINE SA, 64c Woodville Road, Woodville
Time 1.30 – 3.30 pm
Cost $50 (Student Concession $45), light refreshments included.
- Further info/enrolment:
- Download flyer here: Forum