
Analysis of non-binary sex responses in the 2021 Census


Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Released 27/09/2022 The 2021 Census allowed all respondents to select from three response options for the sex question: male, female and non-binary sex. The purpose of the addition of the non-binary sex option was to allow respondents to participate in the Census when the male or female sex categories did not accurately describe their sex. As described...

Opening Doors: Ensuring LGBTIQ-inclusive family, domestic and sexual violence services


Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University, October 13th 2022 LGBTIQ people experiencing family, domestic and sexual violence (FDSV) should be able to choose from and readily access a range of services that provide expert support in ways that respect and affirm their lives, bodies, identities and relationships. However, there remain significant gaps in access to...

Sexual assaults increase for tenth year in a row: ABS


Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 28th July 2022 The number of police recorded victims of sexual assault nationally increased by 13 per cent in 2021, the tenth annual rise in a row, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). William Milne, head of crime and justice statistics at the ABS, said there were 31,118 sexual assaults in 2021, the largest number...

The Cost of Adverse LGBTIQ+ Mental Health


Thorne Harbour Health, 30 May 2022 The poor mental health outcomes of LGBTIQ+ Victorians comes at an economic and financial cost estimated to be as high as $3 billion in research released today. Commissioned by Thorne Harbour Health, the report findings from Deloitte show the rate of lifetime mental health for LGBTIQ+ Victorians is 73%, significantly higher than the 46% among the general...

South Australian results of the Migrant Blood-Borne Virus and Sexual Health Survey (MiBSS)


Curtin University,  released August 2021 In Australia, there are significant health disparities between domestic- and overseas-born residents with respect to sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and blood-borne viruses (BBVs). For instance, in 2017 the HIV notification rate in Australia was over three times higher for people born in South-East Asia (14 per 100,000) and Sub-Saharan Africa (13...

Research Matters: Bisexuality, Health, and Wellbeing factsheet


Rainbow Health Victoria, September 23rd, 2021 Today, 23 September, is Celebrate Bisexuality Day. This day is recognised internationally and aims to increase visibility and promote pride for bisexual and bi+ people. Rainbow Health Victoria are launching their next issue in the Research Matters series: the Bisexuality, Health, and Wellbeing factsheet. This factsheet covers: 1. Introduction 2...

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