
Media Release: 5.5 million Australians have disability


Australian Bureau of Statistics, Released 4/07/2024 More than one in five people (21.4 per cent) had disability in 2022, up 3.7 percentage points from 2018, according to data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Linda Fardell, ABS head of health statistics, said: “The increase was seen across most age groups in the most recent Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers. As...

Rainbow Realities: In-depth analyses of large-scale LGBTQA+ health and wellbeing data in Australia


Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, April 2024. Rainbow Realities provides a synthesis of pre-existing findings as well as more than 50 new analyses derived from the data of six surveys of LGBTQA+ populations in Australia. These are: Private Lives 3, Writing Themselves In 4, SWASH , Trans Pathways, Walkern Katatdjin (Rainbow Knowledge) and Pride and...

New data on sexual harassment, physical violence, and sexual violence in Australia


Australian Bureau of Statistics, 23rd August 2023 The Australian Bureau of Statistics has today released new data on sexual harassment, physical violence, and sexual violence in Australia. 1.7 million Australians sexually harassed in 2021-22 Survey results showed that 1.3 million women and nearly half a million men experienced sexual harassment in 2021-22.  Sexual harassment was considered to...

New National Communicable Disease Surveillance System Dashboard


Department of Health and Aged Care (Australia),  Dec 2022 (Via SiREN e-alert, March 2023) The National Communicable Disease Surveillance System has created a Dashboard to enable service providers and planners to access up-to-date information about notifiable infections. The Dashboard is useful for monitoring rapidly evolving epidemiological trends, such as those related to the current syphilis...

Australia’s Annual Sexual Health Check Up: STIs are mostly down, but reductions in testing could be the cause


 Kirby Institute (UNSW) – released Thursday 8 December 2022 Data released last month by the Kirby Institute at UNSW Sydney reveals how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted testing and diagnoses of sexually transmissible infections (STI) in Australia. The report titled HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia: Annual surveillance report shows that in 2021 there...

Gender equality indicators from the Australian Bureau of Statistics


Australian Bureau of Statistics, continually updated Key ABS economic and social indicators measuring equality between males and females, including gender pay gap and life expectancy. Click picture to enlarge Contents: Key indicators Gender pay gap Work Education Health and wellbeing Crime Work-life balance The content presented in these indicators may not be the most recent data available...

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