
Aboriginal-specific STI & BBV resources for regional and rural SA


SHINE SA & Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia (AHCSA), April 18th, 2023 SHINE SA and the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia have produced a series of STI & BBV resources designed for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS). Many of these resources feature artwork by Arabana and Kokatha artist Mali Isabel. In addition to ACCHS, these resources are also...

ASPOG 2023: Exploring the Tapestry of Psychosocial Obstetrics & Gynaecology


Australian Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics & Gynaecology (ASPOG), 2023 ASPOG 2023: Exploring the Tapestry of Psychosocial Obstetrics & Gynaecology is the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics & Gynaecology (ASPOG), to be held from 24-26 February 2023 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Adelaide.   It is a chance to hear from many different...

Sexual health & BBV resources for professionals who work with multicultural communities


Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health, as at August 2022 The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Part of this involves working with professionals from health, community, and local government services to improve their responsiveness to people from these communities.  One of the ways they do this is by...

Multilingual resources on sexual & reproductive health


Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health (CEH), July 2022 New and updated resources in translation, compiled by CEH. They cover sexual & reproductive health and related topics.  Various languages. Links below. Contraception – your choices This translated fact sheet explains the available options for using a worry-free contraception that suits an individual as their best protection...

South Australian results of the Migrant Blood-Borne Virus and Sexual Health Survey (MiBSS)


Curtin University,  released August 2021 In Australia, there are significant health disparities between domestic- and overseas-born residents with respect to sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and blood-borne viruses (BBVs). For instance, in 2017 the HIV notification rate in Australia was over three times higher for people born in South-East Asia (14 per 100,000) and Sub-Saharan Africa (13...

IDAHOBIT . Move . Connect . Create: An Art Therapy and Movement Workshop


Counselling and Support for the Disability Royal Commission and PEACE Multicultural Services / Unidos (Relationships Australia SA), May 2022 Counselling and Support for Disability Royal Commission and PEACE Multicultural Services presents: IDAHOBIT • Move • Connect • Create An inclusive art therapy and movement workshop Promoting positive health and wellbeing while supporting healing, growth and...

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