Tagcommunity programs

The Rainbow Calendar Photography Competition is back


Bfriend, August 2018 After a one year absence the Rainbow Calendar Project is back. The success of the last two calendars has led to the RCP team launching its third photography competition to create yet another calendar, full of LGBTIQA+ photo goodness and event information. This year’s theme is ‘Kaleidoscope: As we are’ and the organisers would love to see a huge range of submissions to...

Act To Prevent Men’s Violence Against Women A Guide For Community Action


Women’s Health West. 2018 This resource is for community members or groups who are planning to undertake actions to prevent men’s violence against women. This resource details practical things you can do every day to prevent men’s violence against women. It also includes important information to consider before you take action, as well as links to further resources. Read more of article...

Employment opportunity: SAMESH team leader, Adelaide


SAMESH, January 2018 SAMESH is a partnership between SHINE SA and the Victorian AIDS Council (VAC). This partnership offers a uniquely innovative approach to HIV/STI prevention for priority populations in South Australia. It combines the expertise of local knowledge and networks of SA’s peak sexual health organisation with the HIV-specific experience and community-led expertise and credibility of...

A team effort: preventing violence against women through sport


Our Watch, November 2017 Sport is an integral part of Australian culture and it is woven into the fabric of the everyday lives of many Australian individuals, families and communities. Change the story: a shared national framework for the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia identifies it as a key setting for the prevention of violence against women in...

Christmas Nunga Lunch at Southern Fleurieu Health Service


Please share the invitation with your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clients / students / families. Due to the limited catering numbers, the organisers ask that only community attend for this lunch. There will be Christmas tucker, showbags, face-painting, and more! When: Thursday November 30th, 12 noon Where: Southern Fleurieu Health Service, Harbor View Terrace, Victor Harbor, SA, 5211...

What is going on in gay men’s lives when they acquire HIV?


nam/aidsmap, Published: 08 September 2017 Gay men in England who have recently become HIV positive describe a complex web of factors which may have contributed to their infection, according to a qualitative study recently published in BMJ Open. “Individuals who experienced multiple stressors, gradually over the life course or more suddenly, were especially vulnerable to HIV and being drawn into...

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