
Pride in Prevention Messaging Guide: Family violence experienced by LGBTIQ communities


Rainbow Health Victoria, 10th August 2021 Rainbow Health Victoria is proud to announce the launch of the new resource Pride in Prevention Messaging Guide: A guide to support communications and engagement in primary prevention of family violence experienced by LGBTIQ communities. This guide has been produced by the LGBTIQ Family Violence Prevention Project 2019-2021, a ground-breaking initiative...

Using social networking sites to recruit participants: sexual health, knowledge, and behaviour of young South Australians


Using social networking sites to recruit participants: methods of an online survey of sexual health, knowledge and behaviour of young South Australians. Stephen Harfield, Salenna Elliott, Liam Ramsey, Tambri Housen, James Ward (2021). Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. Abstract Objective: To describe the methods of recruitment and demographic results of an online sexual health...

Report: LGBTQ+ workers in the Australian construction sector


The Australian Human Rights Institute, June 22, 2021 The Australian Human Rights Institute has undertaken research to identify the barriers and opportunities to recruitment, retention and progression of LGBTQ+ professionals and tradespeople in the Australian construction sector. The research aims to map out interventions that build inclusivity of LGBTQ+ workers within the sector. menThe...

Not as simple as ‘no means no’: what young people need to know about consent


The Conversation, Feb. 23, 2021 A recent petition circulated by Sydney school girl Chanel Contos called for schools to provide better education on consent, and to do so much earlier. The term “consent” is often associated with sex, but it’s much broader than that. It relates to permission and how to show respect for ourselves and for other people. Consent should therefore be addressed in an age...

New SMS service for SA HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Hotline


Communicable Disease Control Branch, Health Regulation and Protection, Department of Health and Wellbeing, Government of South Australia,  February 2021 The South Australian HIV PEP Hotline (1800 022 226) provides advice, triage and information to members of the community who may have been exposed to HIV, and if assessed as eligible, directs them to their nearest PEP access point. Most HIV PEP...

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