
Technology-facilitated abuse of women with intellectual or cognitive disability


The eSafety Commissioner (eSafety), August 2021 This research explores experiences of technology-facilitated abuse among women living with intellectual or cognitive disability. The findings are based on interviews with women with intellectual or cognitive disability and frontline workers who provide support services. This research was commissioned to address major gaps in the evidence...

CAMHS seeking feedback from Queer and Gender Diverse young people and families who have accessed their services


CAMHS  (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services), December 2020 CAMHS  (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) is seeking feedback from Queer and Gender Diverse young people and families who have accessed CAMHS services.  The CAMHS Rainbow Group is wanting to hear how Queer and Gender Diverse people have experienced their services so that they can make sure they are providing the most...

Free workshop series on Sexuality and Intellectual Disability


South Australian Council on Intellectual Disability, July 2020 Sexuality and Relationships is an essential area of learning for people with an intellectual disability. Adults with intellectual disability say they want to learn together in their own right. Parents and carers can make a big difference in small ways by improving their own knowledge and using supportive approaches. These interactive...

Breaking the Binary Code: Celebrating gender and sexuality diversity


The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre (Victoria), 2020 Breaking the Binary Code: Celebrating gender and sexuality diversity, challenging stereotypes and relationship expectations is a 18-month primary prevention of family violence project.  The project has a strengths-based approach working with LGBTIQA+ young people, community and stakeholders. It was led in partnership with The Sexual...

Disability Support Toolkit for frontline workers – violence and abuse


1800RESPECT, March 2020 The Disability Support Toolkit has resources for front line workers supporting people with disability who have been impacted by violence and abuse. People with disability are 1.8 times more likely to experience violence and abuse, including more varied forms of abuse. (Source: AIHW Report 2019.) They are also less likely, and take longer to reach out for support. This...

New ‘Trans @ School’ resource


 LGBTI Legal Service, Legal Aid Queensland and the Queensland Human Rights Commission, in consultation with the Queensland Children’s Gender Service, 2020 This resource has been developed in consultation with the Queensland Children’s Gender Service, young people, parents and educators. School is an important part of life for children and young people. Schools not only have an ethical duty, but a...

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