ilson Louise Forsyth, Dobson Annette Jane, Doust Jenny, Mishra Gita Devi (2022) Socioeconomic, behavioural and health factors associated with chlamydia testing in sexually active young women: an Australian observational cohort study. Sexual Health, 19,112-121. Abstract: Background: Chlamydia trachomatis is the most frequently notified sexually transmitted infection in Australia. Untreated...
Prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in postmenopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Stewart Linde L., Vodstrcil Lenka A., Coombe Jacqueline, Bradshaw Catriona S., Hocking Jane S. (2022) Prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in postmenopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexual Health 19, 17-26. Abstract Bacterial vaginosis (BV), the most common cause of vaginal discharge in women of reproductive age, is associated with considerable reproductive and gynaecological...
Factors associated with syphilis seroprevalence in women with and at-risk for HIV infection…
Aaron KJ, Brill I, Causey-Pruitt Z, et al Factors associated with syphilis seroprevalence in women with and at-risk for HIV infection in the Women’s Interagency HIV Study (1994–2015) Sexually Transmitted Infections 2022;98:4-10. Abstract: Objective – Syphilis rates among women in the USA more than doubled between 2014 and 2018. We sought to identify correlates of syphilis among women...
Syphilis Is Still Out There: What Clinicians Need to Know
SHINE SA, Posted on November 25, 2021 An ongoing infectious syphilis outbreak has spread across Australia’s states and territories leading to an endemic level in some areas. The outbreak was first reported among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in rural and remote northern Australia in 2011. Clinicians are now encouraged to have a high clinical suspicion for syphilis in all population...
Respect Me + You, Is Your Syphilis Check Up Due? (New Campaign)
May 2021 The Respect Me + You, Is Your Syphilis Check Up Due? Campaign has now launched! This campaign was originally conceived by Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia (AHCSA), and was adapted as a collaboration with SHINE SA in 2020. The campaign is a response to the rise in syphilis infections in South Australia which has been particularly devastating for Aboriginal communities. It is a...
GPs urged not to test gay men for STI ‘super bug’ over fears it will become more antibiotic resistant
Guardian Australia, Wed 17 Mar 2021 03.30 AEDT GPs have been urged not to test gay men for one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections unless they have symptoms, with new research from the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre warning that treating asymptomatic men is accelerating its resistance to antibiotics. Many general practitioners have begun testing for Mycoplasma Genitalium as part...