Tagsex and relationships education

Descriptive norms about condom use predict odds of [adolescents] using a condom


McCarthy Molly, Kauer Sylvia, Fisher Christopher (2022) Descriptive norms about condom use predict odds of using a condom during last sexual experience in a large, national survey of adolescents from Australia. Sexual Health, online early, Abstract: Background: Reducing sexually transmitted infections among adolescents is an important public health goal in Australia and worldwide. This study...

Sex Ed Guide for Self-Advocates: Written for People on the Autism Spectrum Aged 15+


Organization For Autism Research (USA), 2019 onwards This guide is a sexuality and sex education resource written specifically for people on the autism spectrum age 15 and up. People on the autism spectrum sometimes don’t have the chance to learn about sexuality and sex in ways that work for them, so OAR created this guide as a starting point to change that.  In each of the nine sections of the...

New free resource for young people: A Quick Guide to the Menstrual Cycle & Periods


SHINE SA, 10th May 2022 It can be hard to get accurate and helpful information for people getting their period for the first time. We’ve designed a new guide to answer the questions that young people want to know, like… What is a period? Why do we have periods? What is a menstrual cycle? What period products should I use?, and more. This quick guide helps to demystify periods and to reduce...

Research demonstrates student support for SHINE SA’s Relationships and Sexual Health Program


SHINE SA,  October 13, 2021 Recent research demonstrates student support for SHINE SA’s comprehensive relationships and sexual health curriculum. The study draws on surveys completed by 29,533 South Australian secondary students aged 12-16 years conducted over a twelve-year period between 2006-2017. University of Adelaide researcher Sophie Kedzior1, analysed surveys of students who had engaged...

“Sex Ed”: Young people, consent and the Australian curriculum (Video of webinar)

ANROWS,  July 5th 2021 Adolescence is a time where ideas and beliefs about relationships, including gender roles and sex, are being developed. Sexual and consent education occurs through various pathways including schools, youth services, the media, families and parenting, and peers and pornography. Evidence shows that pornography impacts knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about sex, intimacy...

More than babies and bodies, young people want 21st Century sex education


Commissioner for Children and Young People,  Jun 6, 2021 Commissioner Helen Connolly has today released Sex Education in South Australia – a report on the relevance of the sex education being taught to children and young people across the State.  The report examines whether the relationships and sexual health education currently being delivered to students in South Australia’s public and...

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