Tagviral load

Small risk of sexual transmission of HIV persists through first six months of ART


nam/aidsmap, 10 May 2016 A risk of HIV transmission to sexual partners persists for six months after the initiation of antiretroviral therapy, investigators from a large prospective prevention study confirm in the online edition of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Over 1,500 serodiscordant heterosexual couples were included in the analysis. Initiation of antiretroviral therapy...

Above-Normal Death Rate Still Seen in U.S. Youngsters and Young Adults With HIV


The Body Pro, February 25, 2016 Despite improved health because of better antiretroviral therapy, HIV-positive teens and young adults in the United States still have a 31 times higher death rate than youngsters the same age in the general population. Most deaths resulted from HIV-related conditions, and most deaths involved people with a low CD4 count, a high viral load, or not taking...

HIV-related factors increase risk of stroke


nam/aidsmap, produced in collaboration with hivandhepatitis.com, 15 March 2016 HIV-related risk factors seem to increase the risk of stroke – the sudden death of brain cells due to a rupture or obstruction of blood vessels in the brain – according to ongoing research in a growing number of large epidemiological cohort studies. In addition to traditional cardiovascular risk factors for stroke, HIV...

People with HIV considerably overestimate their chance of infecting someone


nam/aidsmap, 24 February 2016 Only a small proportion of HIV-positive people in a large US treatment study regarded themselves as non-infectious after up to three years on antiretroviral therapy (ART), and a third of participants regarded their chance of infecting a partner as still “high”, even though only 10% of participants actually had a detectable viral load. The study showed that there was...

Very high levels of chemsex and ‘slamsex’ seen in HIV-positive men attending UK HIV clinics


nam/aidsmap, 24 February 2016 A survey of HIV-positive patients attending 30 HIV clinics in England and Wales has found that nearly a third (29%) of gay male patients reported engaging in ‘chemsex’ (defined by the researchers as “The use of drugs to increase disinhibition and arousal”) in the past year and that one in 10 reported ‘slamsex’ (injecting – or being injected with – the drugs). Read...

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