
Changes to cervical screening in Australia, new guidelines


Cancer Screening, Australian Government,  Page last updated: 01 March 2017 Based on new evidence and better technology, the National Cervical Screening Program will change from 1 December 2017 to improve early detection and save more lives. The Renewal of the National Cervical Screening Program will be implemented on 1 December 2017.  Until the renewed National Cervical Screening Program is...

Hepatitis B Mapping Project


ASHM, ongoing The Hepatitis B Mapping Project aims to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in Australia. The data and analysis can be used to inform targeted awareness and intervention campaigns to suit the particular local needs of people living with CHB and those providing services to them. The Project is a joint initiative of ASHM and the Doherty Institute...

Position statement on Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination


VAC, 2015/2017 Community members have recently been expressing interest in human papillomavirus vaccines (HPV) in online discussions. Health bodies in both the UK and Ireland have recommended that all gay and bisexual men receive the vaccine in order to reduce their risk of certain cancers. VAC developed a position statement on this issue back in July 2015 in association with Melbourne Sexual...

2016 Aboriginal Surveillance Report of HIV, viral hepatitis, STIs


Kirby Institute, UNSW, November 2016 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples continue to experience a disproportionate burden of disease. HIV notification rates among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men have doubled over the past five years and rates of chlamydia, gonorrhoea and infectious syphilis are 3, 10 and 6 times greater than the non–Indigenous population in 2015, with even...

Alarm sounds as thousands of WA teenagers skip HPV vaccine


The West Australian , October 27, 2016, 1:00 am The State Government has sounded the alarm at thousands of WA teenagers missing out on cancer protection because they are not completing their full course of the human papilloma virus vaccine. The HPV vaccine was considered a medical breakthrough when introduced 10 years ago for its protection against cancers including of the throat and cervix, and...

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