Surgeon Who Was Denied Disability Insurance for Taking PrEP Tells His Story


HIV & ID OBSERVATIONS, July 8th, 2018 Earlier this year, urology resident Dr. Philip Cheng appeared on the front page of the New York Times. Here was the headline: He Took a Drug to Prevent AIDS. Then He Couldn’t Get Disability Insurance. The piece understandably drew widespread attention, with sharp disapproval of the denial from ID specialists and public health officials. We couldn’t...

Startling Data Reveals Half of LGBTQ Employees in the U.S. Remain Closeted at Work


Human Rights Campaign, June 25, 2018 The HRC Foundation released the results of a survey of employees across the USA, revealing the persistent daily challenges that have led nearly half of LGBTQ people to remain closeted at their workplaces — a rate largely unchanged over the past decade.  A Workplace Divided: Understanding the Climate for LGBTQ Workers Nationwide, HRC’s third national...

Religious refusal laws harm sexual minority mental health, study finds


ScienceDaily, 23 May 2018. A new study led by a Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) researcher has found that state laws permitting the denial of services to same-sex couples because of religious or moral beliefs harm the mental health of sexual minority adults in those states. The study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, found these laws were associated with a 46 percent increase in...

Type 2 diabetes: Sexual orientation may influence risk


Medical News Today, Published Saturday 12 May 2018 The new study — which was led by Heather L. Corliss, a professor at San Diego State University’s Graduate School of Public Health in California — suggests that women who identify as lesbian or bisexual are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The findings were published in the journal Diabetes Care. Read more of Type 2...

Sex a key part of life for people over 65, study says


Guardian, Thu 3 May 2018 21.08 AEST Sex is not only a pursuit of the young and carefree but also a key part of life for adults in their later years, a new poll has revealed – putting paid to the trope that action stops as pensions loom. A US survey has found that 40% of those aged between 65 and 80 report being sexually active, with more than half of those who have a partner saying they still...

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