Stuart Sarah, Richardson Daniel, Iwuji Collins, Soni Suneeta (2021) How long should clinicians spend sampling the pharynx for gonorrhoea culture specimens?. Sexual Health 19, 74-75. Abstract: There are few data on the length of time clinicians should take sampling the pharynx to optimise the sensitivity of gonorrhoea culture specimens and we aimed to gain a consensus on sampling time. The...
The lived experience of gender dysphoria in autistic young people
Cooper, K., Butler, C., Russell, A. et al. The lived experience of gender dysphoria in autistic young people: a phenomenological study with young people and their parents. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2022). Abstract: Gender dysphoria is distress in relation to incongruence between an individual’s gender and sex assigned at birth. Gender clinics offer support for gender dysphoria, and there is a...
[Australians] with endometriosis face six-year wait for diagnosis, study finds
The Guardian, Thu 22 Oct 2020 11.55 AEDT A study of 620 [Australians] living with the painful and often debilitating condition endometriosis found [they] have to wait an average of 6.4 years before being diagnosed and often undergo surgeries that fail to improve their chronic pain. The study, published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, found despite medical and surgical...
Opinion: Relationships & sex education now mandatory in English schools – Australia should do the same
Jacqueline Hendriks,The Conversation, September 9, 2020 6.07am AEST Relationships and sex education became compulsory throughout schools in England at the beginning of September 2020. In primary schools the course will focus on relationships, while secondary schools will include topics such as managing intimate relationships, consent and online behaviour. Schools — including government...
Call for study participants: Image Based Sexual Abuse (IBSA) and its impact on LGBTQ individuals
University of Birmingham, May 2020 Image Based Sexual Abuse (IBSA) and the impact this has on the well-being of LGBTQ individuals This PhD study aims to explore LGBTQ individuals’ experiences of Image Based Sexual Abuse (also known as revenge pornography) on their mental health and well-being. The study is also interested in how much health and well-being organisations understand about IBSA and...
COVID-19: pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding – statements & guidance
Various sources, March 2020 RANZCOG statement: A message for pregnant women and their families The Lancet Study on COVID-19 Transmission in Pregnancy CDC Statement: Pregnancy & Breastfeeding: Information about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (USA) Updated SOGC Committee Opinion – COVID-19 in Pregnancy (Canada) RCOG Statement: Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and pregnancy (UK) Abortion care: UK...