TagTreatment as Prevention (TasP)

Healthcare providers should discuss U=U with all their HIV-positive patients


aidsmap/nam, 18/03/2019 Healthcare providers should inform all patients with HIV they cannot transmit HIV to a sexual partner when their viral load is undetectable, argue the authors of  a strongly worded comment in The Lancet HIV. The authors note that despite overwhelming scientific data supporting the undetectable = untransmittable (U=U) message, significant numbers of healthcare providers do...

80% of new HIV cases transmitted by undiagnosed or untreated people


Healio, March 18, 2019 In 2016, more than 80% of new HIV infections in the United States were transmitted by individuals who either did not know they were infected with HIV or had been diagnosed but were not receiving care, according to data released on the first day of the National HIV Prevention Conference in Atlanta. Read more here  References: CDC. Gaps in HIV testing and treatment hinder...

Australia will never be HIV-free if access to prevention requires a medicare card


The Conversation, January 23, 2019 12.21pm AEDT by Nicholas Medland, Sexual health physician and senior researcher, UNSW Australia aims to “virtually eliminate” HIV transmission by 2022, according to the health minister’s new national HIV strategy. This ambitious goal has been made possible by biomedical HIV prevention, a new and highly effective way of preventing HIV using medications. But new...

Support for ending and managing HIV


Australian Government Department of Health, 29 November 2018 The Australian Government is strengthening its commitment to ending HIV with the announcement of funding for a new strategy that aims to virtually eliminate the transmission of HIV, the approval of the first HIV self-testing kit and the listing of a new medicine on the PBS. The first HIV self-testing kit, the Atomo Self Test was...

Understanding U=U for women living with HIV


ICASO, September 2018 Since its announcement, Undetectable equals Untransmittable (U=U) has become a call to action to assert that when someone living with HIV has an undetectable viral load they cannot transmit HIV. Additionally, the U=U message is evolving to challenge notions of HIV infectivity, vulnerability and stigma. The science behind the U=U message provides the evidence that we can...

HIV diagnoses hit seven year low: Australia’s annual HIV figures released


Kirby Institute, UNSW, Monday, 24 September 2018 Australia has recorded its lowest level of HIV diagnoses in seven years, according to a new report from the Kirby Institute at UNSW Sydney. The report, released at the Australasian HIV&AIDS Conference in Sydney, found that there were 963 new HIV diagnoses in 2017, the lowest number since 2010. Researchers are attributing the promising results...

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